Texan in Norwich

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Norwich Cathedral

It’s been a while! Our flat has been plagued by sickness for the last few weeks. First me, then James, then me again, and James again, etc. We’re both mostly well now, but all this sickness has seriously cut down on our activities around Norwich and my ability to keep this blog up. Also the weather’s been terrible, so we’ve been keeping indoors. This Texas girl needs her sunshine!

I’ve been doing a lot of knitting, which I learned at Crafty Ewe on St Giles Street. I went to a couple of classes with Dorothy and now I love it! I’ll post some pictures of what I’ve made after Christmas (as most of them are family Christmas presents)!

I have also started volunteering at the Norwich Cathedral. I work one or two afternoons a week in the little shop, and it has been really nice! I started to volunteer just because I couldn’t get a job around here and I thought it might help to have some recent experience in the UK, but I really do enjoy it. The people I work with are nice and fun, and the atmosphere is so relaxed. The customers are friendly and patient, which has been great as I learn how everything works! It can be quite quiet, so I bring my knitting along and work away when there’s no one to help. The girl I work with on Tuesdays does Sudoku, and the man on Wednesdays does crosswords. It’s such a nice, peaceful place to spend an afternoon.

It is cold though! We sit very close to a little space heater and have to come prepared with sweaters and fleeces.

On sunny days (rare), the stained glass windows turn the walls of the cathedrals all different colors.

Come say hello!

(Disclaimer: these pictures were taken in July!)